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Announcer: Does your life go too smoothly? Are you getting along just fine, can't complain? Well, that means it's time to let Ronald and Edna spice up your weekend with that tired old theme you've gradually come to tolerate: the inevitable friction caused by traditional gender roles!

Edna: Ronald, I can't believe you pledged our -- money to WEFT!

Ronald: Our money? For your information Edna, that "money" was supposed to be little Timmy's allowance, but you would let him have it!

Edna: little Timmy! Little Timmy! It's always little Timmy! You don't even know little Timmy is anymore, Ronald. Do you have any idea how he was spending that so-called "allowance"?

Ronald: as a matter of fact, I do, Edna. He was going to buy a new soccer ball.

Edna: a soccer ball? Ha! I happened to know he's been buying -- drugs from Johnny Smithers down the road! Do you realize what would happen to my reputation if this got out?

Ronald: listen Edna, I don't know what that so-called "private eye" he hired to follow timothy to school has told you, and frankly, I don't care.

Edna: Ronald what in the world are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?

Ronald: no, Edna, I have not. For now on, I'm making my own decisions, for a God Damned change, and the very first decision I decided to make is to pledge money to WEFT, which has been a much better -- companion to me then you ever have!


Edna: great, just great. That's fine. Look, you can do whatever the hell you want with that relatively small amount of money, but if you can't keep track of timothy, I'm going to have to hire a management company to do it!!!

Ronald: but it wasn't a relatively small amount of money! It was forty thousand dollars! I bought WEFT a new transmitter!!

Edna: Ronald, you little philanthropic flea bag, you're under citizen's arrest!